Tuesday 27 September 2011

Almond Diamonds

Recipe Ingredients:
75 gm unsalted butter
200 gm ground almonds
200 gm sugar
150 ml double cream
8 almonds, chopped
10 pistachio nuts, chopped

How to Prepare:
Melt butter in a heavy-base saucepan, preferably non-stick, stirring well. Add the ground almonds, sugar and cream, stir well. Reduce the heat and stir constantly for 10-12 minutes, scraping the base of the saucepan.
Increase the heat untill the mixture turns to little darker in colour.
Transfer the almond mixture to a large, shallow serving dish and smooth the top with the back of a spoon.
Decorate the top of the dessert with the chopped almonds and pistachio nuts. Leave to set for 1 hour or preferably overnight, then cut into diamond shapes and serve cold.