Sunday 4 September 2011

Mango Kulfi

Recipe Ingredients:
375 gm evoporated milk
300 ml cream
25 gm almond meal/grounded almonds
140 gm sugar
450 gm mango puree
1 tbsp freshly ground cardamom seeds
25 gm chopped unsalted pistachio nuts,to decorate

How to Prepare:
Pour the evaporated milk and cream into a heavy-base saucepan and stir to mix. Put over a medium heat.Mix the almond meal and sugar together,then add to the milk mixture. Cook stirring, for 6-8 minutes,untill the mixture thickens slightly.
Remove from the heat and leave the mixture cool completely, stirring from time to time to prevent a skin forming. When completely cold, stir in the mango puree and ground cardamom.
Meanwhile, preheat a small saucepan over a medium heat, add the pistachio nuts and toast for 2-3 minutes. Leave to cool, then lightly crush. Store in an airtight container untill required.
Pour the kulfi mixture in moulds of your choice and freeze for 5-6 hours. Transfer the kulfi to the refrigerator for 40 minutes, then invert to serving dishes. Serve sprinkled with the chopped pistachio nuts to decorate.

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