Thursday 22 September 2011

Indian Rice Pudding

Recipe Ingredients:

55 gm ground rice
good pinch of saffron threads

2 tbsp hot milk
40 gm ghee
25 gm almond flakes
25 gm seedless raisins
600 gm full fat milk
450 ml evaporated milk
55 gm sugar
12 ready to eat dried apricots, sliced
1 tbsp freshly ground cardamom seeds
1/2 tbsp ground nutmeg
2 tbsp rose water
25 gm walnut pieces (for garnish)
15 gm unsalted pistachio nuts (for garnish)

How to Prepare:
Place the saffron in the hot milk and leave to soak untill needed.
Reserve 2 tbsp of ghee and melt the remaining ghee in a heavy base saucepan over a low heat. Add the ground rice, almonds and raisins and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add milk, increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring, untill it begins to bubble gently. Reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring frequently, for 10-12 minutes, to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Add the evaporated milk, sugar and apricots, reserving few slices to decorate. Cook, stirring, untill the mixture thickens to the consistency of a poring custard.
Add the reserved saffron and milk mixture, the cardamom, nutmeg and rose water, stir to distribute well and remove from the heat. Leave to cool, then cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Melt reserved ghee in a small saucepan over a low heat. Add the walnuts and cook, stirring, untill they brown a little. Remove and drain on kitchen paper. Leave the pistachio nuts to cool, then lightly crush.
Serve the pudding decorated with the fried nuts and the reserved apricot slices.

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