Friday 9 September 2011

Milk Almond Pudding

Recipe Ingredients:
150 gm almonds
1 liter full fat milk
4 tbsp ground rice
100 gm sugar
2-3 drops almond essence
1/4 tbsp cardamom powder (for garnish)

How to Prepare:
Soak almonds in a large bowl of water for at least 3 hours, or preferably overnight. Using knife chop almonds into small pieces. Grind to a fine paste in a food processor.
In a large heavy based saucepan add milk and bring to boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat after boiling. In a small bowl, mix the ground rice with 4 - 5 tbsp of water to form a paste without any lumps. Add this to milk and cook over low heat, stirring continuously for about 15 minutes or untill the mixture begins to thicken.
Add almond paste to the milk mixture and continue to cook over very low heat. Add sugar and continue to cook untill it dissolved. Stir in almond essence. Leave the pudding to cool, pour it into serving bowl, seal the top of the serving bowls with food wrap. Transfer the serving bowls to fridge and allow to chill for at least 4 - 5 hours. Serve chilled.

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